
Origami Easter Wreath

9:20:00 PM

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We’re starting to see some glimpses of spring in my neighborhood. Of course, it’s spring Carolina style…you know, 70’s one day….20’s two nights later. So right now, I’m refraining from the gardening I’m really itching to do. But with Easter right around the corner, I really wanted to do something cool and unique to welcome spring and the upcoming holiday.

When I think of Easter, one flower I think of is Easter lilies. And as much as I love live flowers, my sister is extremely allergic to lilies, and to be quite honest, their scent gives me a headache more often than not. But I love how elegant they look…and well, they make me think of Easter! New life, grace, salvation….all wrapped up in a beautiful flower.

So instead of suffering with a armful of real flowers for Easter décor (I will suffer for my art but not THAT much), I went a slightly less conventional route: origami lilies. These lilies are a classic origami pattern, but I used them in an unusual way: I decided to make a bunch of them and put them on a yarn wreath! So we will welcome our early Easter with a crisp paper and yarn wreath….and that’s nothing to sneeze at (pun totally intended).

Origami Lily Easter Wreath

Here’s what you do:
Using various shades of yellow, coral, orange, and pink 3x3 origami paper, make a ton of origami lilies (I used this tutorial).

Origami Lilies

Wrap a wreath form (or former fall yarn wreath) with white yarn.

White Yarn Wreath

Arrange the lilies to your liking on the wreath and use straight sewing pins to attach the lilies through the middle to the wreath. 

Yellow Lily

Color coordinate your pin heads to the lilies if you like.  Keep attaching the lilies until you run out. Or you like the look. Or both.
Adding Origami Lilies

Wrap satin ribbon around the wreath for an added pop of color. Use rub on seasonal quotes and labels to make a happy Easter tag sign, and attach with pins.

Adding Origami Lilies Closeup

Origami Lily Easter Wreath


Architecture of a Mom Signature

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  1. This is so pretty. I know they are flowers, but it really reminds me of the whole geometric/fractal thing that is so popular right now. Great job!

  2. I LOVE this! I am sharing it on FB today! Thanks for sharing at Pinworthy Projects.

  3. Very nice wreath! It is so pretty! I am a huge fan of origami; it is amazing what you can make with folded paper! I'm having a link party on my blog and I'd love for you to join!

  4. This is so pretty!! Ih ope you link every week. You are so creative! http://atozebracelebrations.com/2013/03/link-party-every-tuesday.html

  5. So pretty! Love the allergy-friendly floral inspiration. :)

  6. This is so pretty. What a creative idea! Visiting from Sharefest. :)

  7. That's so cute! I love origami!

  8. This is TOOOO COOOL!!! I'm dying. LOVE it! Thanks for linking it up to Monday Funday!

  9. Megan Our Pinteresting FamilyMarch 18, 2013 at 9:25 PM

    So love this wreath! What a creative idea to use origami!

  10. Beautiful wreath, great colours - I like the combining of the different textures (glossy paper + wooly yarn)

  11. This is such a creative wreath! I absolutely love it and will be adding it to my wreath Pinterest board.

    Maggie @ thelovenerds.com

  12. Congrats! You are being featured on Made in a Day tomorrow!

  13. Hey,

    Great project !!! I would love for you to stop by and share this project over at my Craft, Create and Inspire linky party


    Hope to see you there ;)

    Claire @ Polkadot pretties x

  14. Thanks so much for linking to Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill. You are being featured later today!

    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, and join me this evening for Make the Scene Monday #67!

  15. This is adorable. I love that it's a new spin on a super simple yarn wreath. Do you have a protected door so that those pretty blooms don't get hit with rain?

  16. Hi Rachel! Your wreath is so pretty! This makes me want to learn origami! Dropping in from Someday Crafts Spring and Easter Craft show! Pinned it!
