A Little Bird Told Me Link Party

Easter Decor Ideas and a Little Bird Told Me Link Party

12:13:00 PM
Howdy! Can you believe that it's almost Easter? I'm a little bit in disbelief - I can't believe that spring is here. I guess with 3 kids in school the year is just flying by for me. If you love to decorate with the seasons, then you will love these Easter Decor ideas - it's full of bunnies and eggs! Easter Bunny Wreath...


A Little Bird Told Me Link Party

Easter Dessert Recipes and A Little Bird Told Me Link Party

12:01:00 AM
The past couple of weeks have been completely crazy. I don't know about where you live, but there's a lot of sickness going around. I kind of think it's partly because the weather has been crazy...almost 80 one week and then snowing the next. I cannot believe that it's almost Easter, with all the craziness. But it's time to think about special treats...


A Little Bird Told Me Link Party

Ides of March - A Little Bird Told Me Link Party

12:01:00 AM
Hi Friends! I'm having a little bit of a crazy week here (I blame Daylight Savings combined with the Ides of March as well as jury duty throwing me off). I don't have any features this week, but I wanted to go ahead and send out the link party. Be sure to check out my cohosts for some amazing features!!! Please join me...